Special Education

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Gibbons School special education class

Mission Statement

Stoughton Public Schools Special Education is committed to collaborating between home, school, and community.

  • Sets high expectations for students to become positive contributing members of their community

  • Life-long learner who can problem solve and never gives up, reaching for the highest level of independence, and who value self & others

  • Support individuals to reach their potential and achieve their academic, employment, and community related goals

Staff Contacts




Ed Clarke

Special Education Director


Carolan Sampson

Assistant Director of Special Education 6-12 

Amy Saraiva

Assistant Director of Special Education PK-5

Bethany Furey

Assistant Director of Special Education for Out of District and Student Support 

Rita Abourjaily

Administrative Assistant

Caitlin Krim

Administrative Assistant

Wendy Wagner

Administrative Assistant

Cary Sommers

Stoughton High School and O'Donnell Middle School Psychologist

781-344-7001 ext. 1105

Ellen Collamore

O'Donnell Middle School Psychologist

Ross Solomon

Dawe School & South School Psychologist

Stephanie Benenato

Gibbons School & Jones Preschool Psychologist

Child Find Info

The Local Education Agency (Stoughton Public Schools) is responsible for the evaluation of any students living in Stoughton who may have a disability, ages 3-21, to determine if they are eligible for special education or related services under federal and state law. Click here for more information and to find out how to request an evaluation.

Upcoming Events

September SEPAC Meeting
